“ASC及其全球资源委员会牵头更新和重新编辑了该指南,该指南的上一版本发布于2012年,与FEICA和CATIA的合作为我们在行业术语、细分、关键应用和化学类型方面提供了更加全球与国际化的视野。”ASC会员和行业事务部总经理Steve Duren说道,“我们认为术语的统一非常重要,我们将会以五年为一个周期再次修订和更新该指南,以确保在全球主要地区对行业的技术和市场有一个共同的理解认知。”
美国胶粘剂及密封剂委员会主席Bill Allmond先生表示:“全球三个最大区域的胶粘剂和密封剂协会之间的合作,将会极大地帮助我们分享和了解市场的趋势和发展。ASC会立即将修订后的术语纳入到今年第二季度发布的北美市场报告中,同时,我也期待着在2022年4月芝加哥举行的第十届世界胶粘剂和密封剂大会上,与我们的全球合作伙伴交换市场数据。”
The Effort is Meant to Maintain Harmonized Terminology and Market Segmentation
The Adhesive and Sealant Council (ASC), FEICA (the European voice of the adhesive and sealant industry), and CATIA (China Adhesives and Tape Industry Association) have partnered to update and harmonize adhesive and sealant industry terms, definitions and market segmentation published in the ASC-CATIA-FEICA Adhesives and Sealants Classification Manual.
In 2020-2021 ASC, FEICA, and CATIA collaborated on an important industry reference guide containing definitions, segments and key applications of adhesive and sealant technology families and end-use market segments and sub-segments. This document updates and replaces the previous classification manual. Readers of industry market reports from ASC, FEICA and CATIA will now be able to refer to these harmonized definitions and compare industry market data between North America, the European Union, and Asia.
“ASC and its Global Resources Committee led the effort to update and reposition the document which was last published in 2012. Working with both FEICA and CATIA provided us with a global view of terms, segmentation, and key applications and chemistry types”, said Steve Duren, ASC’s Managing Director of Membership and Industry Programs. “We think the harmonization of terminology is important and we believe we will likely again revise and update this document on a five-year cycle to ensure technology and markets have a common understanding across the key global regions.”
Michael Yang, Secretary General of CATIA, said, “This updated manual is very important for the adhesive and sealant industry. It not only guides us to understand the new application progress of the adhesive and sealant industry, but also helps us correctly understand the downstream application segments. In recent years, the strategic emerging application markets continue to expand, such as automobile, new energy, prefabricated building, electronic industry, green packaging, etc., which have brought huge business opportunities for adhesive and sealant enterprises. We are glad to see that the publication of this manual is at the right time.”
Bill Allmond, President of ASC, said, “This cooperative effort between the three largest regional adhesive and sealant associations will greatly assist us share and understand market trends and developments. Beginning immediately, ASC will incorporate the revised terminology into our next North American Market Report, which will be published in the second quarter of this year, and I look forward to exchanging market data with our global partners at the 10th World Adhesive and Sealant Conference in April 2022 in Chicago.”
For more details, please download a copy of the new 2021 edition of the ASC-CATIA-FEICA Adhesive and Sealants Classification Manual at the website of China Adhesives and Tape Industry Association (movies.transitmovement.cn).
附件下载:Joint Adhesive and Sealant Classification Manual_2021 Edition.pdf